电影高手请进,lighting and film是什么意思?
Hobbit Motor Lodge (%0800 843 462, 06-385 8248;www.the-hobbit.co.nz; cnr Goldfinch & Wye Sts; dm/d/f from
$20/95/120) Ever wondered where the Bagginses park their wagons? This gardenlike motel hosted the Oscar-winning lighting and film
crew during Lord of the Rings production. There’s a licensed restaurant, spa pool and a children’s play area. Self-contained options are good for Frodo and friends.
这段话我翻译作: Hobbit Motor Lodge (电话[图标]0800 843 462, 06-385 8248;www.the-hobbit.co.nz; Goldfinch和Wye Sts街角; 宿舍床位/双/家庭房 $20/95/120起)想知道Bagginses把它们的马车停在哪里?奥斯卡获奖影片《指环王》的lighting and film crew在拍摄期间就住在这个花园般的汽车旅馆。这里有有售酒执照的餐馆、温泉浴池和一个儿童玩耍区。设施齐全的房间适合《指环王》里的人物Frodo和朋友们居住。请问lighting and film怎么翻译?
参考答案:Oscar-winning lighting 大概是Oscar-winning的lighting
film crew大概是电影剧组吧