

王朝知道·作者佚名  2011-12-28  
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

个 人 简 历

姓 名 刘军智 性 别 男 年龄 30 出 生 日 期 1976/04/05

身份证 654001197604054513 民族 汉 学 历 大专

从事专业 航空机械 兴趣爱好 广泛 毕业院校 新疆航空公司培训中心

电 子 邮 件 Linefly1@163.com 联 系 电 话 020--***********

家庭成员 成员关系 姓 名 工 作 单 位 职 务

父亲 刘永兴 新疆一二九团 干部

母亲 徐如英 新疆一二九团 干部

教育经历 时 间 学 校 名 称 所 属 专 业 学历程度

09/1990---06/1993 新疆一二九团中学 高中

09/1993---06/1996 新疆农垦中专 汽车运输与维护 中专

03/1994---07/1994 新疆农垦中专 汽车驾驶 B照

09/1996---06/1998 新疆航空公司培训中心 航空机械 中专

04/1997---07/1997 新疆航空公司培训中心 计算机应用与维护

09/1999---07/2001 新疆石河子大学 机电一体化 大专

12/1997---01/1998 新疆通用航空公司培训部 Y5、Y5B机型维护合格证

12/1999---02/2000 新疆通用航空公司培训部 Y11、Y12机型维护合格证

10/2001---03/2002 新疆石河子电大 英语等级培训

工作经历 工作时间 公 司 名 称 所属部门 职位名称 公司性质

01/1999---03/2004 新疆石河子通用航空公司 南航公司 航空机械 国营企业

04/2004---至今 广钢教培中心 广钢集团 教师 国营企业

职责描述 本人在此公司就职期间于1997年12月~1998年1月取得了Y5、Y5B的机型维护合格证;于1999年12月~2000年2月取得了Y11、Y12机型的维护合格证;经历了从机身各构件的检验、检测(无损探伤)到各分部件的保障维护、维修等全过程的操作;就民用航空器维修的工作性质而言,要求其工作作风严谨、细致、一丝不苟,这也是我从事此项工作以来所力求做到的。


职业技能 汽车驾驶;


熟悉各类电脑应用软件及办公自动化系统的应用操作(Excel、Word、Outlook、PowerPoint、CAD、Microsoft FrontPage、);对网络维护及突发故障能做到及时发现并解决;熟悉IT行情。


自我评价 本人勤奋好学、吃苦耐劳、善于与人交往;敢于从事挑战性的工作,乐于接受新鲜事物;对未来技术发展趋势有敏感的洞察力;富有创造性,独立完成工作能力强且有很强的自我约束力和集体感;工作热情高,有强烈的责任心。



Biographical note

Full name :Liu Jun Zhi

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Birthdate: 1976/04/05

ID card: 654001197604054513

Nation: The Han nationality

Educational background: Junior college

Be engaged in special field: Aviation machinery

Interest hobby: Broad

Universities and colleges who graduates: Xinjiang airways training centre

E-mail: Linefly1@163.com

Connection telephone 020-***********

A household member: Father , mother and me.

Father's name:Liu Yongxing

Mather's name:Xu Ruying

An organization in which one works:129 regiment of Xinjiang


Educate experience:

Subordinate special field of baby-raising experience time school

name educational background degree 09/1990- - - 06/1993 Xinjiang 129 regiment of middle school high school 09/1993- - - 06/1996 Xinjiang agriculture reclaims technical secondary school motor transport and defends the technical secondary school 03/1994-07/1994 Xinjiang agriculture reclaiming technical secondary school automobile driving B cast light on09/1996- - - 06/1998 Xinjiang airways trains centre aviation machinery technical secondary school 04/1997- - - 07/1997 Xinjiang airways the junior college training a central computer application and defending 09/1999- - - 07/2001 Xinjiang Shi He Zi university integration of machinery with

electronics04/2004-so far broad steel being applied or used universally navigating company aviation machinery state enterprise in airways the south teaches subordinate job experience on-time company name branch position name company character 01/1999- 03/2004 Xinjiang Shi He Zi banking up with broad centre steel Corp. teacher state enterprise.

Duty is described: I defend a certification during that period when the company assumes office here in the model having got Y5 , Y5B in January , 1998 in December , 1997 ~; Defend a certification in having got Y11 , the Y12 model in February , 2000 in December , 1999 ~; Have experienced the operation that every component checkout, checks (nondestructive inspection) from the fuselage to every mark of component guarantee the entire proceeding such as defending , being maintained;The job character Er Yan the civil aircraft is kept in repair, requires that whose style of work is rigorous , meticulous , methodistic , made every effort to achieve since this is also that I am engaged in this item job.

Have ensured safety for 5 years taking notes , any grade error happened by never having being member of self since being maintained in the aviation having been engaged in 5 years,the insurance aircraft has always been in sustained seaworthiness state, and safe flying during the past 5 years 1800 hours.

Job skill: The automobile is driven

Have machinery to be similar to the various upkeep and the work experience being maintained. (Concretely to aviation, machinery , motor transport handle on the spot with aspect's such as upkeep , machinofacture , assembling and debugging of various aircraft crew complicated and overloaded)

The application knowing computer application software and Office Automation System of all kinds very well is handled (Excel , Word , Outlook , PowerPoint , CAD , Microsoft FrontPage),; Defend and send out suddenly a malfunction to the network to be able to achieve in time find that and solve; Know IT market quotations very well.

Have oneself mental consciousness being innovative , ability being good at having administration and the business fine jade with regard to new emerging things while oneself train of thought carries out bringing into play being to be original more again further right away on the basis knowing well that, having simultaneously two kinds.

Self-assessment: I am fond of studying industriously , hard-working and able to endure hard work , am good at associating with person; Dare to be engaged in the challenge job , be happy to accept fresh object; To future technology, the developing trend has sensitive insight; The rich creativeness , independence accomplish a service ability having the very strong oneself force of constraint and collective to feel by force at present; Job fervency high , has intense sense of responsibility.

In being engaged in civil aviation since defending a job, make me have rigorous style of work and attitude toward work steady and sure especially.

小贴士:① 若网友所发内容与教科书相悖,请以教科书为准;② 若网友所发内容与科学常识、官方权威机构相悖,请以后者为准;③ 若网友所发内容不正确或者违背公序良俗,右下举报/纠错。
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