Thanks for your quick response. It was great to visit your website, pls allow me to introduce my company below.
Shanghai Horizon Garment Co., Ltd is only focusing on eco and sustainable textile and garments, we are dealing with hemp, soy, bamboo and organic cotton shipped to US, Canada, Japan, Australia, UK, Russia, Spain, Holland, Germany with total turn over about 6 million of US dollars covering woven, knits fabrics, garments and accessories. We are a trading company which set up long term relationship with 3 knitted mills and 4 wovens. So far, we have shared about 80% hemp market in Australia.
One of my major customers which is the number one company in Canada, that will place an order about 30000 pcs of robes made of bamboo/cottom which you quoted us, we also have more styles of garments ongoing now. I am so interest to visit your web side to see so many bamboo woven fabrics, but prices on web look so higher than customers target prices, so I want to have some idea about those, if it is possible, I would like to visit your company for more understanding of our business, pls let me know if it is possible.
Your quick reply will be helpful because we will develop a lot of my programs soon.
上海水平线(或音译为霍里森)服装有限公司专注于经济、耐用型纺织服装的公司,我们的麻、豆、竹、有机棉等产品远销至美国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、英国、俄罗斯、西班牙、荷兰、德国,总值超过6百万美元,产品范围包括编织品、服装、服装配件等。我们是一家贸易型公司,与3家编织服装厂、4家机织服装厂建立了长期合作关系,截止目前,我们已占据了澳大利亚80%的麻纤维市场。 我们的主要客户之一是加拿大第一大公司,该公司即将与我们签订3万件以竹/棉纤维制作的长袍,我们还有很多种服装样式也在制作。我对所访问的您网站上如此多的竹纤维编织物很感兴趣,因此想对其有所了解,如果可能的话,希望能访问贵公司以获得更多的了解,如可以,请告知我。