参考答案:The average dolphin swims at a rate of between 10 and 15km per hour. If they are being chased, they are capable of swimming much faster, even as fast as 40km per hour!
Sometimes dolphins swim into shallow water and get stuck when the tide goes out. The shallow water can confuse the dolphin's sonar.
dolphins are mammals. Unlike fish, dolphins are warm-blooded and nurse their young.
Porpoises are smaller than dolphins and swim much faster. Porpoises have rounder faces. Dolphins and porpoises are actually both small whales.
Dolphins use echoes to locate objects in the water. They send out a series of clicks to find out an objects size, shape, and location. Dolphins can tell a shark from a boat using this method, called echolocation or sonar.
Dolphins swim in groups, or schools, to protect themselves. Sharks and Killer whales eat dolphins. By sticking together, the dolphins have a better chance of avoiding trouble.
A dolphin's face may appear to be smiling, but its expression never changes, even when it's scared!
The Orca, or Killer Whale, is the biggest dolphin. The largest males can weigh over eight tons and be as long as 10 metres (over 30 feet!).
A dolphin's core body temperature is about the same as yours, that is, 98º F . Its outer body temperature is usually cooler.
Different species of dolphins prefer different temperatures. For instance, the Common Dolphin lives in warm oceans, whereas Belugas and Orcas can survive in arctic water temperatures..
Their are thirty-three know species of ocean dolphins, five river dolphins, and six kinds of porpoise. You can click on a name below to read more about the species. Dolphin species include: