论文简单介绍了WEB 2.0的概念,开发与应用。
通过“Web 2.0”的概念的阐述,使我们加深了“Web 2.0”概念的了解,并详细介绍了“Web 2.0”的核心技术:Ajax的一些基本原理。对“Web 2.0”的发展我们可以知道Web 2.0公司的竞争力在哪里,个人书包业务便是一个典型的Web 2.0产品。
现在掌握web2.0,将来更早地应用web 2.0替自己服务,使你的工作更有效率,工作起来更轻松。因此建议大家多掌握此类知识,不要让互联网甩了自己!尤其近一两年来,互联网处于重大的转型期间,一系列模式都推出了,相信通过几年的讨论,新的互联网模式和趋势将正式确立,那时候大家所见到的互联网与今天可能大不相同!一批新秀网站迅速掘起,将改变现阶段的互联网格局。
参考答案:Through the "Web 2.0" concept, in our deepening of the "Web 2.0" concept understanding, detailed descriptions of the "Web 2.0" some of the basic tenets of the core technologies : Ajax. "Web 2.0" Web 2.0, we can see the development of the competitiveness of the company where A typical business individual bags of Web 2.0 products. Web2.0 now, the future of Web 2.0 earlier application for their services, so you work more efficiently, work together more easily. Therefore suggest that you master such knowledge and not to allow their rejection Internet! In particular, the last in 1912, the Internet is undergoing a major transformation, launched a series of models, I believe that through years of discussions, the new Internet will be formally established patterns and trends, Then people might see the Internet today is vastly different! Young quickly removed a number of websites, the Internet will change the current pattern.