"Constellations. Words. God. Robots. A collection of short stories in the key of these four themes."
- from the frontmatter of the book
The book is a 243-page collection of four short stories set in the universe of planetarian, as well as a prologue and an epilogue. It was originally bundled with the limited edition of the CD version of planetarian, and is also being included in the limited edition of the PlayStation 2 version of the same. Two of the stories presented fall before the events of the kinetic novel, and two of them happen in the aftermath.
Snow globe (雪圏球 (スノーグローブ))
This story occurs before the events of the Great War that brought the world to ruin; at this point, Reverie Planetarian has been working at the Flowercrest Department Store's rooftop planetarium for about 10 years. One day, Reverie begins to act strangely, culminating in her simply walking out and wandering around the town. All the staff of the planetarium are bewildered, and one of the workers — a woman named Satomi Kurahashi — is ordered to go follow Reverie and bring her back. Before long, Reverie begins to run out of battery power, and then...
Jerusalem (エルサレム)
This story occurs as the Great War reaches its height. The South American Unification Army receives reports of a rogue sniper operating deep in the jungles of Patagonia, and sends a platoon under the command of Master Sergeant Murdock to neutralize the threat. However, the entire platoon is killed off one by one by the sniper, until only Murdock is left. All alone, Murdock catches a glimpse of this mysterious sniper through his binoculars — and is shocked to find that he gazes upon the figure of a beautiful nun.
Homo Planetariens (星の人)
This story occurs some time after the events of the kinetic novel, as the human civilizations struggle in a losing battle against the poisonous rain. Three of the last inhabitants of a nearly-abandoned underground fallout shelter — named Levi, Ruth, and Job — find a quaint old man collapsed in the snow outside the bunker. When they bring him down, they are surprised to hear the adults of the shelter calling him "Homo Planetariens". The children grow quite interested about this strange nickname, as well as the fact that they have never seen a visitor from the outside world. The old man recovers a bit, and then has the children help him in putting together a certain device. It is only after this that the story that was begun in the kinetic novel comes full circle.
Tircis et Aminte (チルシスとアミント)
Tircis and Aminte, identical twins, study alone in a world all of their own. But then, suddenly, a thought comes to Tircis: "what am I studying for? How long will this go on?" This is the story of how the answer reveals itself to Tircis and Aminte.
参考答案:上帝。机器人。短篇小说的一件收藏品在这四themes." 钥匙; - 从书的frontmatter 书是四篇短篇小说的243 页收藏品被设置在宇宙planetarian, 并且序幕和收场白。它最初被包了以光盘版本的有限版的planetarian, 和并且包括在同样的PlayStation 2 版本的有限版。二故事提出了秋天在运动小说的事件之前, 并且二他们发生在后果。 ???????????????? 雪地球(??? (???????)) 这个故事发生在带来世界破坏巨大战争的事件之前; 这时, 梦想Planetarian 运作在Flowercrest 部门Store's 屋顶天文馆大约10 年。一天, 梦想开始奇怪地行动, 达到高潮在她简单地走外面和漫步在镇附近。天文馆的所有职员被迷惑, 并且工作者的当中一个- 妇女命名Satomi Kurahashi - 被下令是跟随梦想和把她带回。不久, 梦想开始用尽电池功率, 和然后... 耶路撒冷(?????) 这个故事发生当巨大战争到达它的高度。南美统一军队接受一个凶恶狙击手的报告经营深深在Patagonia 密林, 和送排在军士长Murdock 的指挥下中立化威胁。但是, 整个排由狙击手逐个杀害, 直到唯一Murdock 离开。所有单独, Murdock瞥见这个神奇狙击手通过他的双筒望远镜- 和被冲击发现他注视在一位美丽的尼姑的图。 拉人Planetariens (???) 这个故事发生某个时候在运动小说的事件以后, 因为人的文明奋斗在一次丢失的争斗反对毒雨。三一个近被摒弃的地下放射性微尘风雨棚- 命名的Levi 、露丝, 和工作的最后居民- 找到一个古雅老人崩溃了在雪在地堡之外。当他们带来他击倒, 他们惊奇听见风雨棚的成人告诉他"Homo Planetariens" 。孩子增长相当感兴趣关于这个奇怪的绰号, 并且事实他们从未看见了一个访客从外部世界。老人恢复位, 和然后让孩子帮助他在汇集某一设备。是在这之后, 开始在运动小说的故事回到原位。 Tircis 和Aminte (?????????) Tircis 和Aminte, 同卵双生, 单独学习在世界全部他们自己。但另一方面, 突然, 想法来到Tircis: "what 是我学习为? 多久这将去on?" 这是故事怎样答复显露自己对Tircis 和Aminte 。