电影影评论 紧急需要 谢谢饿
就是 外国片 侏罗纪公园 真实的谎言 本能反应 三部电影的英文影评 谢谢啊 求大家了饿 帮帮忙啊
One of the biggest movies of all time, "Jurassic Park" is the story of regenerated dinosaurs. John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is the owner of a newly developed dinosaur park, but after an employee is killed in an accident he needs to satisfy lawyer's questions by bringing in a team to prove the park is safe. The team includes dinosaur digger Alan Grant (Sam Neill), his girlfriend, paleontologist Ellie Satler (Laura Dern), mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), and lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero). Another of Hammond's employees, a computer technician named Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) has been hired by an outside organisation to steal dinosaur embryos.
Based on the Michael Crichton book, the stars of "Jurassic Park" are definitely the dinosaurs. There's a lot of people who deserve credit for bringing these extinct animals to brilliant on screen life, but the main four are Stan Winston, Michael Lantieri, Dennis Muren, and Phil Tippett. Mixed with some unbelievably great sound effects, these dinosaurs are some of the most stunning visual effects I've ever seen and rightfully earned an Academy Award.
The king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex, was an amazing creature to see, but surprisingly it was outdone by the velociraptors. These raptors provided some very suspenseful moments, and are dinosaurs that people will never forget.
The main complaint I've read is that the human characters had no development and that the scenes that didn't feature dinosaurs were boring. This surprised me since it was directed by Steven Spielberg. In my opinion, they didn't need to be more developed because "Jurassic Park" is one of those movies that just doesn't need that much. As for being bored, I never was. I knew it was going to get exciting, and the buildup was great thanks in part to the characters, the special effects, and the John Williams score. Unfortunately, the dialogue was cheesy in several spots perhaps explaining why people didn't like the dino-free scenes.
Watching "Jurassic Park" always takes me back to June the day it opened in theaters. Sitting in that dark theater, I was fully entertained for over two hours. It's got humor and suspense. Movies like this fuel the imagination and offer an incredibly real looking picture of what dinosaur life was like. It also has a message about science being perverse and going against nature, which seems like a very timely issue with the subject of real life cloning. This movie is 100% fun, and though not the best film of 1993 (That goes to "The Fugitive"), it is my favorite movie of the year.
True lies - spotlight on wealth management in China
On 26th August, I attended the HSBC Wealth Management Conference in Shanghai, the topics discussed were global economic outlook and investment on Hong Kong’s equity market, I thought I would be able to learn some knowledge related to the latest economic development, but I was disappointed.
The conference started with a presentation on global economic outlook, made by Mr. Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s chief economist in Greater China. The presentation was not very long, and covered several topics such as imbalance of world economy, China’s economic growth, and Europe’s recession. These topics were not new, I believe these can be discussed again and again in the past and future 12 months anyway, and nobody will say that’s wrong.
Anyway I still heard some new and shocking viewpoints, and one of them is about European economy. Mr. Qu said that European economy was under recession in the past decade because Europeans were too lazy. I don’t want to spend too much words to explain how funny this opinion is, but we all know that in the long term economic growth is driven by increase of productivity. In my view Europe is suffering recession because in the past decade Europe did not invest heavily on information technology and other facilities, while in the meantime, the United States and Asian tigers were aggressively investing in telecommunications and IT sectors. Workload and working hours are just two minor factors in economic development theory. Suppose economic growth is solely based on workload, then every country doesn’t have to invest in R&D, encourage consumers and industries to spend and invest, central banks don’t have to spend efforts to think about the right monetary policy, because the labours bureau might become the most important government body anyway. The problem is, however if workload is really the most important factor in economic growth, then why Japan’s GDP per capita is still lower than those of Scandinavian countries, and why the workers in Southern China’s sweatshops earn much lower than most of Europeans?
Mr. Qu also commented on Hong Kong economy, he said if more tourists from mainland China to go to Hong Kong for travel, then Hong Kong economy will be able to achieve long-term sustainable growth and booming. Sounds right, but we have to be careful because Hong Kong is not Maldives or Monaco, Hong Kong is a city with almost 7 million people, which is over 20 times more than that of Maldives. Currently the income from tourism industry only accounts for 7.5% of Hong Kong’s GDP; besides the tourism sector, Hong Kong’s economy is still heavily rely on development of finance, shipping, international trade, retail, and real estate industries. According to Mr. Qu, in 2005 there were over 20 million tourists went to Hong Kong from mainland China, it’s not difficult to calculate the number of tourists required if tourism sector is the only industry to support Hong Kong economy, calculation shows at least 260 million tourists from mainland should go to Hong Kong at least once per year, that is 13 times higher than the current number of tourists.
Mr. Qu also showed a slide on historic unemployment rate and machinery utilization rate in the US, but I don’t see it makes sense in my view. In a matured market economy, the correlation between unemployment rate and machinery utilization rate is close to minus one, therefore when the economy is performing well, unemployment rate falls down and machinery utilization rate increases. So if Mr. Qu uses either unemployment rate or machinery utilization rate to show performance of American economy, that’s fine; but I really don’t see it’s necessary to use the two curves on one slide.
The second part of the session was held by Mr. Zhang Jinyuan, HSBC’s sales director of wealth management division. In order to sell its products which are linked to interest rates and currency exchange rates, Mr. Zhang said based on HSBC’s research, they estimate the exchange rate between Euro and USD will reach 1:1.40 at the end of next year, in the mean time they estimate European Central Bank will increase the interest rate by 25 bp on October and December 2007 respectively, but I don't think this will happen.
ECB President Trichet has recently made economists more confident that the ECB takes fiscal policy and structural reforms into account when setting monetary policy. The “natural” ECB rate may be 75 bp higher than today’s rate, but the actual rate probably will not get that high given the downside risks to economic activity. Certainly, interest rate in the Euro zone is likely to rise, but I think the market is fully priced for the likely rise. If the outlook for economic activity returns towards trend in 2007, there will be less need for the ECB’s official rate to rise to the natural rate. Whatever ECB choose to do, one thing is for sure, that is ECB will not increase its interest rates twice in one single quarter, and I don’t see any reasons why ECB should do it.
The guys from HSBC are not that stupid as you thought, at least I don’t believe they are simple and naive and no one from HSBC knows basics about economics and monetary policy. The paradox behind is that in order to sell its wealth management products, they have to say something theoretically correct but totally useless and unlikely to happen in practice.
After the conference I received a call from a HSBC sales guy, he asked me for my comments on the conference, and I answered if these products were sold in Hong Kong or Singapore or the US, I bet they won’t have any customers. He agreed “You know currently all of foreign financial institutions provide similar products, and as to customers, they don’t have many choices”. He’s absolutely correct and his words perfectly explained why these products still exist in the market, but I believe all these will be changed in future anyway. To individual investors, wealth management products look attractive and the HSBC logo seems shining, but before you press the “buy” button, thinks it carefully!
basic instinct
Basic Instinct 2, watched today, good movie, not only the ones who admired Verhoeven’s noir sexual thriller will be disappointed but also the sexual thrill seekers will get the feeling that something is very wrong with the movie, as although it does contain some sex scenes, they are just low. In quality, aesthetics and intensity. The true good items of the movie are Sharon Stone, the Spyker Laviolette and one of the last minute twists that is mind… twisting but comes too late to save anything of the general bad impression this sequel gives to the viewer.
wanna be the winner in your life? please wise up......