高一化学计算题 ~急需求解!
在 500 ML NaCL和NaBr混合溶液中,加入2L 0.05Mol/L的AgNO3的溶液生成13.26g沉淀,过滤,往滤液中加入过量盐酸,又得到2.87沉淀,求原混合溶液中的Na+ CL- 物质的量浓度分别是多少?
参考答案:We denote Cl- as x mol, and Br- as y mol
2L x 0.05 mol/l= x + y + 2.87/M(AgCl)
x * M(AgCl) + y * M(AgBr) = 13.26
You can do the math yourself.
then concentration of Na+ = (x+y)/500ml, and the concentration of Cl- = x/500ml
pay attention to the units.