三十七,大学的竞争范围是所有的大学生,所以,你知道是否可以放松学习的. 三十八,大了,成熟了,稳重了 ,但是这和激情不矛盾,一种对工作和学习的冲击力及持久力会让你有特殊的魅力和个人实力
三十九,记着 在所谓的学生会里即便你就是主席 如果你的四级没过没有毕业证 的话 白搭 没单位想要你这样的人 单位需要的是工作的人 而不是当官的人 更何况现在的就是主席 学到的是喝酒 抽烟 相互的 吹捧
四十 永远不要嘲笑你的教师无知或者单调,因为有一天当你发现你用瞌睡来嘲弄教师实际上很愚蠢时,你在社会上已经碰了很多钉子了。
参考答案:37.The range of competition at college is all the college students.You should know whether or not hold a serious attitude towards study.As a man being in the age of 38,he must be more mature,howver,it is not incompatibale to be passionate.A kind of impact and perseverance towards work and study not only makes you more charming ,but also adds to your strength.
39.Keep in mind that in the so called Student Union,even though you are the president,it makes no sense if you don't pass the CET4.No company will hire such a person like this.What a company needs is a person to work,rather than an officer.What's more,the president now just learn to drink,smoke and flatter mutually.
40.Do not ever ridicule your teacher's innocence and monotone.Because when you recognize that it is actually very stupid to mock the teacher with your napping ,you may have been stumbing in this society.