1. 求知功能——物理学及其课程有严密的理论体系和完备的实验方法,可以指导人们正确认识客观世界;
2. 应用功能——物理学及其课程与科学、技术、社会的联系十分紧密,它是人们适应社会生活和实现职业理想的基础;
3. 教育功能——物理学及其课程蕴涵深邃的思想和哲理,在形成人们正确的世界观、人生观、价值观提高人们的思想品质和科学素养方面都能发挥显著作用;
4. 发展功能——物理学及其课程自身的发展就是不断开拓进取,求真创新的过程,可以培养人们的创新精神和实践能力,充分发展人的潜能。
1. 求知功能
2. 应用功能
3. 教育功能
参考答案:Comment 1:
Junior Physics Subject has 4 important threads:
1. Learning function - Physics and its courses have critical theoretical system and complete experimental methodology, which can guide people to recognize the objective world correctly.
2. Application function - Physics and its courses have strong connection with science, technology and society. It is a basis for adapting the social life and accomplishing professional goals.
3. Teaching function - Physics and its courses contain deep thoughts and philosophy. It has an remarkable impact on the process of developing approapriate world view, philosophy and merit. Also it helps people improve their
antilogy and science qualifications.
4. Developing function - The development of physics and its courses is a process of continuous enhancement and innovation. It can build up people's innovative spirit and practical skills, digging out their potentials.
Comment 2:
I would like to design a chapter called <rheostat> in conjunction with the understanding of the above goals. The three goals of this chapter are as follows:
1. Learning function - Understand perseverance, its principles and operation methology.
2. Application function - Through the design process of rheostats, build up scientific attitude with practice, exploration and perseverance.
Comment 3:
Personnally I think if the students can actively participate in the learning process and design rheostats by themselves, they will have a better understanding of the structure and principles of rheostats. Moreover, they will find out the amazement of each part's design, which makes the introduction of glid rheostats more natural. Meanwhile, students' active participation can stimulate their interests in the learning process, and turn dry memories into interesting activities.
参考资料: 好累啊,可不可以要求加分哦。。