4、 企业孵化器要重视对外部新创企业的服务
参考答案:4. Enterprise incubators should place emphasis on the services of new enterprises established externally
Due to the limiting characteristics of the requirements, few enterprises can enter the incubator. In fact, there exists a vast number of new enterprises established outside the incubator that need support. Also, many incubating enterprises, after graduation, still need some form of support aperidoically. Therefore, the targets of service should not only be limited to incubating enterprises. Serving the new enterprises outside the incubator can not only help the incubator to accumulate experiences and improve its operation, but also open up its relationship in the society, aiding the long term development of the incubator.
“同时,不多在孵企业在毕业后仍需要一些不定期的支持”此句子不太对头,从内容上了解,好像“不多在孵企业”应该改成“不少在孵企业”。如果真是“不多在孵企业”,那就要把"many"换成"not many"就好了。