The advertisement is subjected to environmental fresh and clear influence of particular social culture.If the more western culture and Chinese culture, the western culture is a kind of culture that opens a type, from total top and speech, the west advertisement is in the top of the choice of the topic also very courageous,open, give the person's a keep impressions to feel be a without restraint:Can be the object that advertises to make fun of the president,government;Can display the person's desire very peacefully.The offensiveness of the west advertisement is very strong, aiming at a rival of comparison the advertisement is more.For example the advertisement for Apple Computer to release the latest operate system TIGER is a Microsoft, readying to duplicator.The advertisement in China chooses in the topic up then is fresh and clear and anti- with this formation bad, in the Chinese culture emphasize of the worth system, the nation,race,collective benefits is high in everything, people make it a rule to a standard norm oneself of good and evil of adhere to the community of behavior, take social standard of community approbation or worship as to pursue a target ownly.Nation,race,family,business,natural affection,friend all of these is what Chinese pay attention to very much in the lifes.The Chinese culture emphasize"middle way approach", requesting the person's words and actions bearing unbiased, hold good proper restraint.This choice that comes to a decision advertisement topic in China is unlike the west advertisement to have no to have scruples about so.