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人类从蒙昧、野蛮走向文明,从渔猎文明发展到农业文明,又从农业文明发展到工业文明,而现在正面临着社会发展模式、经济型制的大变革,即工业文明向—种新的文明的转变,这种新文明我们称之为生态文明。每—次文明更替都是—次社会革命,促进了社会大发展、大进步,同时引起人类住区(域乡)结构和本质的深刻改变。人类社会从工业文明向生态文明转变昭示着人类住区将进入—个崭新的发展阶段,而导向新的人类聚居模式 — 生态城市。面向未来的生态城市研究因此成为城市科学和城市规划研究的世界前沿与热点课题之—。
参考答案:human went into civilization from obscuration ,wildness,from fishing hunt civilization to agriculture civilization,and then from agriculture civilization to industry civilization,,and now we are facing a huge change of society development module ,economic style system ,that is from industry civilization to a new civilization ,this new civilization is called zoology.when every civilization changed ,a society revolution would happen to promote a great development ,a big step of society.at the same time induce the change of the living structure and essence.the change reflects human living condition will enter a new develpoment time.and zoology city will come out.fecing future city reseach has become a hot point of city science and city planning reseach.