当今世界国际资本的跨国流动日益活跃,跨国投资中越来越多地采用fdi的形式。改革开放后,外商在华直接投资的规模日益扩大,对我国国民经济的影响日益显著,在这种形势下我国经济要寻求进一步的发展,必须利用好 fdi。而我国如何在符合WTO各项要求的前提下采用合适的对策解决对外商直接投资准入问题就成为了亟待我们解决的问题。
还有两个专业术语:外资准入 国民待遇
参考答案:Now the world international capital transnational flows day by day actively, in the transnational investment more and more many uses fdi the form. After the reform and open policy, the foreign merchant expands day by day in the Chinese direct investment scale, is day by day remarkable to our country national economy influence, our country economy must seek the further development under this kind of situation, must use good fdi. How but did our country in conform to under the WTO each request premise to use the appropriate countermeasure solution to enter the question to the foreign direct investment to become the question which urgently awaited us to solve.
Also some two technical expression: The foreign capital enters the national treatment