Two common means of controlling each sales are through the use of cash registers and prenumbered sales tickets.Amounts from cash sales should be rung up on a cash register at the time of each sale.The cash register should be placed so that the customer can see the amount recorded. Each cash register should have a locked4n tape on which are printed the day's transactions.At the end of the day,the cashier counts the cash in the cash register and turns it in to the cashier's office. Another employee takes the tape out of cash register and records the cash receipts for the day. The amount of cash turned in and the amount recorded on the tape should be in agreement,if not ,any differences should be accounted for. Large retail chains commonly perform this function by having each cash register tied directly into a computer.In this way, each transaction is recorded as it occurs.The separation of duties invovlving cash receipts,cash deposits,and record keeping is thun achieved,ensuring good internal control.
In some stores,internal control is strengthened further by he use of prenumbered sales tickets and a central cash register or cashier's office,where all sales are rung up and collected by a person who does not participate in the sale. Under this procedure,the salesperson completes a prenumbered sales ticket at the time of sale,giving one copy to the customer and keeping a copy.At the end of the day,all salse tickets must be accounted for, and the sales tickets should equal the total sales recorded on the cash register.