跨国婚姻,我认为是成少败多。 文化差异虽然不能用好坏对错来判断,但若天天都因为差异而起冲突就太累了。跨国婚姻最重要的是感情而不是物质因素。一定要知道与你结婚的这个人是不是有责任心,必须相互尊重对方的文化传统和生活习惯,设法融入对方所在的环境。 说起国际婚姻,想必在国内是见怪不怪了. 很多人并不是为了爱情而结婚,那是有很多各种各样的目的的,有的人为了在国外多赚些钱,有的人以为国外就是天堂,能过上比国内幸福百倍的生活,于是想尽各种各样的方法和途径来国外,于是很多国外人成了她(他)们的利用对象,当然在这里我指的是有那么一大部分是有上述的目的的,也有其中那一小部分是真正的跨国恋爱,为了追求未来,两个人同心协力创造属于自己的幸福而披上了洁白的婚纱。
参考答案:Attitude to the multinational marriage
I feel that its advantage are more than disadvantage. The disadvantage is that there will be more conflict after marriage for the obstacle of languages and cultures. The first advantage is that we can understand different cultures better. I believe that understanding different cultures is even useful for resolving multinational conflicts, for better understanding leads to more undertaking. Then generally speaking, what brings conflicts?
The multinational marriages are less succeeded in my mind. Culturals difference can't be judged by being good or bad, but it's too tiring if conflicts are all brought by difference every day. Which is most important to multinational marriage is not material factors but sensations. You should know whether the person you get married is conscientious, you should mutual respect the cultures and habits, and try to enter into his environment. It's usual of multinational marriages interiorly. Many persons are married not for love but for various purposes, such as earning more money abroad, having a much happier life abroad than interiorly as fremdness is heaven; so they do their best to go abroad, and many foreigners become their instrument. I mean majority are with above purposes, and minority put on pure wedding dress because of real love, for welfare and future created by couple of one mind. In fact, the key problem is not the language, but the purpose of marriage, for live together forever or others.
The multinational marriage couldn't be judged as a romance, for there will be full of frustration. It also needs a running-in course, after which, the marriage will be the same as a normal one.