首先感谢学校能够给我们提供这样一个展示自己的平台。再次感谢各位评委老师能够在百忙之中来给我们这些参赛者以评价与建议。最后为缓解这紧张的局面我决定在我演讲结束后带给大家一个个人才艺表演吉他弹唱(my love)现在.我的演讲开始了,我演讲的题目是责任
参考答案:First, I'd like to appreciate our school for providing us such a self-display platform. I am also gratitude for you teachers attending from the heavy business to give us competitors comments and advises. To release the tense atmosphere of the contest, I'd like to play my gitar and sing a song--"My Love" for you after my speech. Now the speech begins, the title of my speech is responsibility.