1. 发展人文精神,创建和谐校园。
2. 快快乐乐上学,平平安安回家。
3. 墙壁穿新衣,请你要珍惜。
4. 危险的地方我不去,学会保护我自己。
5. 不要推不要挤,关心别人爱自己。
6. 上下楼梯靠右行。
7. 微笑的你真美,乐学的你真好,健康的你真棒。
8. 不要怜惜你的关爱,用心去爱护你身边的一切。
参考答案:= =|||
1. Evolve humanity; evolve an harmonious campus.
2. Arrive at school joyfully; reach home safe. = =|||
3. Please be careful with the newly painted wall.
4. Protect yourself from dangerous spot.
5. Be care for others as well as yourself. Do not crowd.
6. Please walk along the right side of the steps.
7. Smiling, you are beautiful;
Studying hard, your are good;
Staying healthy, you are excellent.
8. Be generous to love everything around you.