1. 在1971年6月上海正式建成黄浦江上第一个越江工程----打浦路隧道。
2. 打浦路隧道的建成使上海人告别了“过江靠摆渡,排队老半天”的日子,原先二三个小时的摆渡时间缩短到了短短6分钟。
参考答案:1. In June 1971,Shanghai had completed its first over-river project on Huangpu River -- Dapu Road Tunnel.
2. The project put an end to the days of "waiting in the hour-long queue lines before being ferried across the River", shortening the travel time from two or three hours to only six minutes.
3. With a history of more than 30 years,Dapu Road Tunnel is nicknamed "Old Tunnel" by the Shanghainese.
4. Ten years ago, my mother traveled all through the River by ferry or through the Dapu Road Tunnel.