请问谁知道太空堡垒第三部新生一代里的歌We Will Winr 歌词?
请问有谁知道《太空堡垒》第三部《新生一代》里的歌曲,英文名字是 We
Will Win 的歌词啊?如能告知,不胜感激!
参考答案:We Will Win
作曲: Ulpio Minucci & Arlon Ober
片中 Minmei 演唱
实际演唱: Reba West
Life is only what we choose to make it.
Let's just take it,
Let us be free.
We can find the glory we all dream of.
And with our love,
we can win.
Still, we must fight or face defeat.
We must stand tall and not retreat.
With our strength we'll find the might.
There's no fight we can't fight together,
All together,
We can win.
Blessed with strong hearts that beat as one,
Watch us soar.
And with love that conquers all,
We'll win this battle,
this last battle.
We will win……
We must win……
We will win……
We can win……
We can win……
As the battle goes on we feel stronger.
How much longer
Must this go on?
Each and every day we dream of winning,
and beginning a new life.
Still, we must fight or face defeat.
We must stand tall and not retreat.
With our strength we'll find the might.
There's no fight we can't fight together,
All together,
We can win.
Blessed with strong hearts that beat as one,
Watch us soar.
And with love that conquers all
We'll win this battle, this last battle.
We will win……
We must win……
We will win……
We must win……
We will win……
We can win……
这首《We Will Win》是1985年《太空堡垒》第一次宇宙大战(美国版的《超时空要塞》),大决战时的歌曲。在最没有希望的时候,这首歌曾给了无限的安慰和勇气,陪伴着走过那段相当绝望的日子。现在看来,这首歌(至少是Minmei版)的节奏并不是很流畅,这或许也是它未能广为流传的原因之一。
这首歌还有个Yellow Lancer版的,是在《太空堡垒》第三次宇宙大战时由Lancer唱的。整首歌改成了摇滚乐风格,让人感觉好多了。不过,不是人人都有Lancer那种唱功,所以至今也不被大多数人所知。
参考资料:The Crystal Shards的Space