
how to analyse the data (focus groups )

王朝知道·作者佚名  2009-04-09  
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How will you analyse the data?

The general approach taken would be consistent with what I described in lectures in terms of Grounded Theory. The goal is to identify the major ‘themes’ (i.e. ‘concepts’) in the data. You do this by coding each statement, inventing new codes as you identify new themes in the document.

In practical terms, what I would do is to first back up my original document. Then read the first statement and think up a title of a theme to represent it. I’d then, either at the beginning of the document, or in a separate document, I’d type the theme as a heading and cut-and-paste the statement under that heading. Then I’d move onto the next statement and either (a) think of a new theme to represent this statement, type this in as a heading, either at the beginning of the document, or in my second document, and paste it there, or (b) if this statement is described by the same theme as my first statement, then cut-and-paste it under theme 1. I continue to do this until all of the statements are placed under a heading representing a theme. (There may be some annoying statement which are left over at the end which you may decide are miscellaneous and are not included under any theme).

During this process, you may revise your themes, and change the headings on the basis of later statements. For example, a researcher might collect data from employees asking about problems in their organisation. You may receive comments such as:

If the communication was better I feel the entire organization could benefit thoroughly. Communication is the biggest factor in any relationship, partners, operations, colleagues….COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY.

(These are real employee comments, by the way)

You might decide to label this theme communication within the organisation. Other comments might be like:

Dealing with some departments is sometimes not as easy as it should be – there appears to be a lack of understanding of the functions of other departments (i.e. finance may not understand what sales and marketing do/our challenges and how they could assist)


I work directly under 6 people, all at different levels. No-one knows what is going on with the others.

As you categorise more and more statements you might decide that this should be further divided into horizontal communication (between departments) and vertical communication (up and down the chain of command).

As you process more comments, you may note that vertical communication might be further divided:

Lack of middle and upper management communication with lower levels of staff.


as I work in Food & Beverage it is only fair to comment on Food & Beverage. It seems that management makes decisions on food and beverage issues regarding outlets that are the wrong decisions. I think management needs to ask as the employees what we think could improve our outlets as we talk to the guests, and we know what sells and where most of the complaints come from.

You might decide that vertical communication can be further divided into top-down communication (‘management never tells us anything before it happens’), and bottom-up communication (‘management never asks us about anything or listens to us about anything’). Your themes should be flexible throughout this process and should be open to revision. At the end you should read through the document and check that you are happy with the themes you have identified.

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