Avoid incentive pay.Incentive pay can be used to influence employee behavior. However, it is certain that any benefits gained in the short-term will be more than lost in the long-term. It is people's nature to look at what you are doing for them today. What you did for them in the past is quickly forgotten. That may not be the way it should be -- but that's the way it really is.You can use incentives to trigger a short-term burst of output. But be assured that the next time such a burst is required, the reward will no longer be looked at as an "incentive" -- but as an "expected". Worse, if such a burst becomes not required in the normal course of events, your employees will -- wholly unconsciously -- see that such a burst does become required.Pay to get out extra product at the end of an accounting period, and you'll get out extra at the end of every accounting period. That's what you're telling them you want. Of course, if you look at the numbers, you'll find that you're shipping a bit less during the accounting period!There are strong believers in incentive pay -- especially in sales. I've enjoyed over the years listening to sales managers extol their incentive systems. But listening closely, year to year, what I really hear is what was wrong with their last system and why their new system will be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sure it will!Avoid long-term employees.Conventional wisdom admires companies who have retained employees for many years. That wisdom is wrong! A good employee is a good employee only so long as he is stimulated, challenged -- and learning.Trying to retain employees after they've stopped learning is bad for the employee and bad for the company. Bad for the employee because they've stopped "growing" -- stopped improving their unique value in the job market. Bad for the company because it stifles the flow of new ideas, new insights, new views of the changing business environment.
奖金能用来影响雇员行为 .但是可以确信在短时期内获得的任何好处将多于在长期里失去的。人们自然会看到你是怎么对待他们的。你过去为他们做的被迅速忘记。那可能是它应该的方式,但是那个方式是真实的。
在奖金方面有强壮的信仰者 -- 特别是销售,我已经多年喜爱听销售经理颂扬他们的奖励制度。但是仔细听,每年,我真的听到的是他们的最后系统出了什么毛病和他们的新系统为什么将是极受人赞赏的事物。 它当然将是这样!
传统的智慧欣赏已经聘请雇员多年的公司,这样想是错误的,一个好雇员是一个好雇员,只要他被刺激,去挑战和学习。尝试保留雇员他们停止学习不仅有害于雇员而且有害于公司。有害于雇员因为他们已经停止"进步" -- 停止在就业市场改进他们的独特的价值。透不过气新想法,新洞察力,兑换的生意环境的新意见的流动有害于公司。