堪培拉是澳大利亚首都,一个年轻的城市。全城树木苍翠,鲜花四季,每年九月,堪培拉都举办花节,以数十万株鲜花迎接春天的到来,被誉为"大洋洲的花园城市"。 悉尼是新南威尔士的首府,是澳大利亚最早开发,最大及最现代化的城市。悉尼拥有新南威尔士大学、悉尼大学、UTS大学等十几所高等院校,他们在世界知名度都很高,在各自独特的学术领域中受到崇尚。 墨尔本是维多利亚的首府,澳大利亚第二大城市。墨尔本市容十分优美,规划整齐,被人们誉为"最适宜居住"的城市。
参考答案:Australia in the South Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean between the southern and Tasimaya mainland and the island territories, including Australia. Australia's sparsely populated continent, surrounded by water ring is a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery in the country, is unique in the world to occupy a block on the continent. About 7.68 million square kilometers of land area, 36,700 km-long coastline, which is the world's sixth largest country. Long single Australian natural conditions, animal evolution is very slow, with many still preserve the ancient and unique species. For example, the kangaroo, emus and Yazuishou Zhenqidongwu are unique to Australia. Australia has very good natural resources and also very rich in minerals, but it still is the main export of wool, cereals, meat, sugar and fruit. Canberra is Australia's capital city, a young city. City of green trees, flowers and seasons, in September, Flower Festival were held in Canberra, with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of lines of spring flowers, known as "the Garden City Oceania." Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, Australia, is the first development of the largest and most modern city. With the University of New South Wales in Sydney, University of Sydney, UTS more than 10 universities and other institutions of higher learning, they have a high profile in the world, in its own unique academic been advocating. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria, Australia's second largest city. Melbourne is a beautiful city, the planned houses by the people as "the most suitable for living" in the city.